Thursday, 4 December 2008

short cut to lock your System

make a new shortcut on desktop, give it this link address

rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

Now double click on the icon whcih you created, thats it, with a double click you can lock your system..

Monday, 24 November 2008

check oracle version

try this sql to findouit oracle database version info.

select * from v$version

Sunday, 2 November 2008

how to check for non-numeric field (oracle)?

Ther is no buitin functions like isnumeric in oracle...
but you can use combination of some other functions for this.

situation :

Check for any non numeric charecters in the field code, table sc_mast

Table name : sc_mast
Field name : code

select * from sc_mast where LENGTH(TRIM(TRANSLATE(code, '0123456789', ' ')))>0

hope this will be helpful..
leave your comments

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Multiple Google Talk

Do you have multiple Gmail for for for secrets..etc...
you can loggin to Google talk at the same time with multiple Id.

create a shortcut on desktop for Google talk.
then right button->properties add this text

"C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe" /startmenu /nomutex

the coulured part is newly added

Adding Phone contacts to Outlook

How to add contact from Nokia Phone to Outlook ?

it is not possible to import all the Phone contacts to outlook in a single stretch. Because we will get .vcf file from Phone. SO wha to do?.
do one thing. open the address book application (start-.programs->accsseories->)
then drag all your vcf files to address book. Then press enter key (this is little bit boring).
from address book you can export contacts to a single file(Excel/Access/CSV etc). Now start importing this file to you r Outlook.
thats all

Oracle Discoverer Desktop/Administrator

how to mask password of Oracle Discoverer Desktop from the end user?

the simplest way is , click right button for the Oracle Discoverer Desktop shortcut icon, then
properties add the below line in the target

E:\oracle\BIToolsHome_1\bin\dis51usr.exe connect salim/salim123@orcl

The coloured part will be changed as per your connection parameters

autorun virus removal

You will see from this window that drive C contains a hidden file autorun.inf, this is a possibility that the computer is infected. Now to erase this, restart your window to Safe Mode Command Prompt. (Do this by rebooting your computer and pressing F8 before windows go out and select from the boot menu). On drive C and other drives type the following commands: 1. attrib -h -r -s autorun.inf 2. del autorun.inf